This budget management and control solution enables the bank to efficiently plan and manage its budget, with flexibility to adjust and transfer budgets as needed. The expense approval system ensures that budget control is transparent and easily auditable.
The Budget Card management system in the banking solution is designed to streamline and control the budget effectively. It allows for the setup of the annual budget, monitoring budget changes, and transferring budgets throughout the year. The system includes functionalities for booking budgets, making adjustments, and tracking usage. It also incorporates an expense approval flow to manage cuts and returns of the budget. This comprehensive system ensures transparent, efficient, and accountable budget management for the organization, supporting detailed tracking and control of financial resources.
The PR-PO system screen displays the management process of purchase requisitions and purchase orders within an organization. It includes budget codes, item codes, user descriptions, quantities, unit prices, total amounts, VAT amounts, and grand totals. Additional remarks and related attachments can also be added. Actions such as approval requests or cancellations are available. This system enhances the efficiency and transparency of the procurement process, allowing detailed tracking and control of expenditures.
The PR-PO Approve via Email screen displays information for approving purchase requisitions (PR) and purchase orders (PO) via email. It includes requester information, details of the requested items such as budget code, item code, description, quantity, unit price, total amount, last purchase order price, account code, and remaining budget. It also shows the approval sequence with names of approvers, actions taken, dates, and remarks. Approvers can choose to approve, reject, or return for more information directly from the email, making the approval process quick and convenient.